Saturday, January 14, 2012

Free Day: Silent Hill

Sigh, it seems like recently I've been rolling a lot of movies I've seen before. Today is far from an exception. I've seen Silent Hill at least 10 times, I even saw it in theatres. However, it does star Sean Bean (a.k.a. Boromir) and that's always a good thing. He's by far the best actor in the movie. So I'll probably watch it a little later on tonight so I can enjoy it in the dark. Hooray!

IMDb: Silent Hill


Hmm, this is a strange one. I quite like this film, however I hear most people bash it. It's not the best horror movie ever and it's not the best video game movie ever (Super Mario Bros. FTW!) It does occupy an interesting niche though, as far as I know, it's the only psychological horror game to be made into a movie. Though the movie goes for jump scares more than psychological horror, it definitely makes you wonder what you would do in a situation like that.


The Stars: By "The Stars", I mean the family the movie focuses on. All the actors playing them do a fantastic job, Radha Mitchell, who plays Rose, gives a great performance. My main problem with her role, however, is that she becomes a superwoman, seemingly invincible. Sean Bean, probably the biggest name in the film, does good in the small role he is given. We don't see much of him which kind of blows, but I'm sure they had their reasons. Jodelle Ferland, who plays Sharon and Alessa, does a terrific job on both sides, as innocent and evil.

Special Effects: Some of the effects in this film seem a bit dated, however, some of them still seem pretty good. Nothing completely noteworthy, but all in all not half bad. The costume and makeup departments deserves a small round of applause for making the nurses pretty badass and also for doing Pyramid Head some justice. It seems more and more that he should just be abandoned. He's pretty much been washed up since the first game. Nonetheless his appearance in this film is kept brief and violent. How it should be.


Plot: The first time watching this movie, the plot was a little difficult to follow. It seems a little bipolar. Daughter goes crazy, end up in evil town, go into alternate universe, meet the wacky cult, and then last but not least have a confusing ending. You MUST see this film again. The second time it will make much much more sense.

Fuck That Bitch: Ok, I'm a reasonable guy. If I adopted a daughter and took her home, loved her, and cared for her. Then she started sleep-walking and talking about some creepy Silent Hill shit. I'd take right back to the fucking orphanage and I would literally say, "This one's defective, can I have another." No matter how much I loved her, that shit's crazy. Sean Bean is the one I side with in this film, it's against all logic to take the daughter to Silent Hill. It's extremely dangerous and you know it's a fucking ghost town. This shit's bananas.



I like this film, I like the subject matter, I like the direction, I like the acting, I like the story, and I love Sean Bean. That's how I feel, if you feel differently feel free to argue your point. I'd like to hear it. 

Purchase "Silent Hill":

Watch The Trailer

Friday, January 13, 2012

Ring of Terror

Hey guys, how's it going? Just rolled this movie, which I've seen before. Ring of Terror is on the Nightmare Worlds 50 Movie Pack. It's also one of the many MST3k episodes on Netflix that I've seen. So, for obvious reasons, I'll be watching that version of the film. MST3k is one of my favorite shows and Ring of Terror is one of my favorite episodes. I'll be watching that a little later tonight, and I'll get back to you guys shortly thereafter.

IMDb: Ring of Terror


Ring of Terror, complete. This movie is about a fearless sociopath who wants into a fraternity or something, idk. The plot is flimsy as hell and comes and goes throughout the whole film. I'm so glad I watched the MST3k version. I couldn't imagine watching this movie without a little good-intentioned humor to help it along. The movie is short, yet still feels like it's dragging. However, it's one of those 'so bad it's good movies'. The elderly teenagers and other things help make it a watchable film. Like I said, I'd hate to watch it without Joel and the Bots.


Puma: Puma? Puma? Puuuuumaaaaa? Oh, Puma??? Where are you Puma? PUUUUUUUUUUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?????!?!?!? PUMA?!?!?!? Best scene evar. This is a classic MST3k line. This is one of the funniest things in this movie and, sadly enough, one of the only good things.

The Student Body: The medical school they attend could just as easily be a nursing home. All of the actors are in their 40s or early 50s. However, the character's they're portraying are supposed to be in their 20s. Lewis Moffit, the main character, is supposed to be 22. However, the actor portraying him was 42 at the time of filming. That's quite a large of age gap and it definitely shows in the movie.


Sociopathic Tendencies: Lewis Moffit, is unafraid of anything, except..... the fucking dark?!? He'll bite the heads off bats, swim in acid, rape a dead body and then go eat dinner. If you turn out the lights, however, he'll turn to a tub of goo and die. This is flimsy at best. Lewis Moffit is either insane, sociopathic, or just plain stupid. And personally I'm banking on the third one.

Lame Ending: An ending is where a movie must make a mark, this is the part of the movie I'm going to remember best. This film seems to just fall flat on it's face. I'm not going to spoil it, all I will say is that it was REALLY stupid. It's just like jaw-droppingly dumb, I sat there for like 30 seconds trying to figure out if it was a joke. It wasn't.



PUUUUUUUUUUMAAAAAAA??!?!??! Puma might be the only reason this film deserves over a 3. This movie is pretty hilarious and would probably be really fun to watch if you were really drunk. It would probably make a lot more sense if you were dunk too. 

Note - No photos in this review since I didn't actually watch the DVD of it. Don't think I'm getting rid of images forever. They should be in the next review ;).

Purchase "The Ring of Terror":

MST3k Version

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hercules and the Captive Women

Sorry about not posting earlier guys, it's been kind of a busy day. In a hurry at the moment so I'm going to make this quick. 1961 Peplum film starring Reg Park. It's featured on the Warriors 50 Movie Pack. Going to review it a little later tonight. Thanks guys for reading!

IMDb: Hercules and the Captive Women


Oh peplum. This is one of the most beautiful and cheesy genres to ever exist. For those who don't know what peplum is: Peplum- Mostly Italian, Sword and Sandal films generally dealing with a Historical or Biblical topic. One of the most popular topics for these films was Hercules. This film obviously falls into this category.


Peplum: Peplum is one of my favorite genres of film. I could watch peplum films from sunrise to sundown everyday and I would be just fine with that. This film uses some of the best cliches of the genre. This is by far the biggest pro for me in this movie. I love this cheese, and this film delivers by the boatload.

Brainless Strongman?

Evil Queen?

Damsel in Distress?

Huge bad-looking monster suit?

ATROCIOUS dance scene?
Oh Hell Yes!

Set Design: One great thing about this movie is the set design. It's exceptional, it's spacious, and it's believable. I really enjoyed the sets in this film. A lot of peplum films were about Roman and Greek heros. The reason for this? Most of these movies were made in Italy, so they could easily film on location without traveling halfway across the world. Little to no sets needed. Just use monuments from that bygone era.


Reg Park: My one complaint, Reg Park. He's boring, he's rather ugly, and he's rather stupid. See the picture above if you don't believe me. Steve Reeves, Gordon Scott, Mark Forest, and Alan Steel were all better Hercules than Reg Park. 



I'm highly biased. I am in love with peplum films. No matter how bad this film is, I still love it. There's no doubt about it. 8 of 10 is actually limiting myself. I'd really prefer to give it a 9. However, there are some serious laughable flaws in this film. So I minimalized.

Purchase "Hercules and the Captive Woman":

Watch Free Here:

Watch the MST3k Version Here!!:


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Invisible Ghost

Starring Bela Lugosi! Hooray, our first Bela movie. This movie is on the Horror Classics 50 Movie Pack. It's about Bela being crazy or something, idk. Pretty excited, will post the review sometime tonight. Bye bye =).

IMDb: Invisible Ghost


That was interesting, and quite good as well. The movie isn't really horror at all. However, I would say it's still a fitting movie for a Horror set. A guy keeps seeing his "dead" wife, every time he does he goes into a fit of rage and kills someone. Bela Lugosi, of course, steals the screen, however, this film is far from Bela at his best.


Bela Lugosi: Bela is one of my favorite actors from the Golden Age of Horror. He played in some of the high points of the genre, Dracula, White Zombie, and the classic Bride of the Monster. Bela is welcome on my review any time. Even if he doesn't want to be in a movie, he still gives an earth-shattering performance.

The Horror Icon, Bela Lugosi.

Story: Like I said earlier, this film is far from a Horror flick. However, it has some horror elements, like a "ghost" and some murders. Let's be completely honest, this film is obviously in this set due to the star. If Lugosi wasn't in the film, I doubt it would be in the Horror Classics 50 Movie Pack. The story is really interesting. Since Lugosi's wife left him for his best friend, every time he sees her, he kills the first person he can. However, the twist is that the gardener is holding her in his shed. She went a little crazy after a car accident. Though you pretty much know it's Lugosi murdering people from the beginning, the movie keeps you guessing who will be next.

Mrs. Kessler and the Gardener.


Bugs: This movie was filmed in Summer. Somewhere in the Mid-West or South-Eastern United States. How can I tell? There are CONSTANTLY bugs landing on the camera lens. Usually this wouldn't bother me, however, in one scene there is at least 7 bugs on the lens at the SAME TIME. They really needed to think this through. The insects are distracting and, in my humble opinion, detract from the beauty that is Invisible Ghost.

  Those are bugs, they get shooed away in the next frame.



This film was really clever and intriguing. Bela just put the cherry on top of it. However, the movie seems a little short at only 64 mins. It also has a bug problem through a good portion of the film. Overall, not a bad film, however, I probably won't watch it again. 

Purchase "Invisible Ghost":


 Watch For Free:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Hello guys, it time for our first Mystery Movie. Coming to us off the Mystery Classics 50 Movie Pack, is Quicksand, a 50's film noir. With big names like Mickey Rooney and Peter Lorre, this film has to be good. Alright guys I'll get back with you once the movie is over.

IMDb: Quicksand (1950)


After finishing Quicksand, I find myself stumped. Was the movie confusing? No. Was the story hard to follow? No. The sad thing is, I'm confused how any person could be as stupid as the lead character. He quite possibly has the worst decision making skills ever. I'll discuss it further on down. One of the major things I noticed, this isn't a mystery film. It's a drama with a little action. However, to me, it seems like more of a comedy. I laughed my way through most of this film.


Acting: Mickey Rooney and Peter Lorre were absolutely excellent. Peter Lorre especially, he played the owner of an arcade. I pretty much got excited for every scene with him in it. Mickey Rooney plays the main character, a role which he plays rather well.

Vera: Vera started this whole story. Quick Recap: Dan wants to go out with Vera, however he has no money. So he "borrows" $20 from the cash register at work. unable to repay the twenty dollars, he buys a watch on a payment plan and then pawns it. Then in order to pay back the Jewelry Store he holds up a guy, etc, etc, etc, etc. However, Vera get's whats coming to her in the end. She thought she would get away scot-free, luckily she was wrong.


Decision Making: I recapped a bit of the story earlier, however, I could never recap the stupidity of the main character. At every single turn, he dug himself in deeper. He could of lost his job, then he starts committing grand theft auto. All to cover up taking 20 dollars. This all culminates in murder. In the end, by proxy, he murders over $20. This decision making is absolutely atrocious, and I don't see how anyone could be this stupid.



I know this may seem a little nice, given the new asshole I tore it one paragraph up. However, like I said earlier, this seems more like comedy film. I'm judging it as such. Entertainment wise this is a 6. However, if you're looking for a clever mystery, this is not a film for you. Check out M, also starring Peter Lorre, and much better.

Purchase "Quicksand":

Watch It Free:


Monday, January 9, 2012

Hyper Sapien: People From Another Star

This film is featured on the Sci-Fi Invasion 50 Movie Pack. Reading the title gets me excited for this one, and that's not even the best part. The movie is from 1986. Which means I can expect some SERIOUS cheese. It's going to be totally awesome. I'll post the review a little later on tonight. Gotta go watch some Rifftrax first. ;)

IMDb: Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star

*Note: Copyright is a question on this film. However, due to the age of this film I'm gonna put pictures on here anyway. I could find no information regarding the copyright of this film. Under fair use: "[A] list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research." I mean to take no credit for this film, any images will be used only for criticism sake and to further points made about said criticism. Thanks.


Alright, give me a minute, let me wipe the cheese off myself. Literally I'm suffocating in cheese right now. However, it's a good kind of cheese, like provolone. So, I can't complain. Hyper Sapien was some of the cheesiest cheese to ever cheese through Cheesington while cheesing some cheese. It was absolutely amazing, I smiled through the entire movie. Not only was it cheesy and corny, but it was also a TOTAL E.T. ripoff. There's even a chase scene, they're protecting the alien while being chased by the Police. Just instead of a bike it was a truck. This movie was hilarious and some of the best fun I've ever had watching a movie.


Aliens: I'm in love with the aliens from this movie. If this movie was true, then most of the Jersey Shore would be aliens. Spray Tans and Bad Haircuts denote the aliens. They're not hard to miss, not to mention that most of them act like androids. I don't know if they though that lead lady was pretty, but I don't find her that attractive. Then again, I've never been into orange spray tan women.

Is it just me, or does she look like Tia Carrere?

Kirby: At least that's what I heard. It might of been Trilby, Derby, or Bowler, idk. However, he's just about the most awesome character ever. He drinks gasoline and eats raw charcoal. By far the most badass character in the movie. Not to mention he has like 20 mouths, 3 eyes, and 3 arms. He can fly at supersonic speeds. Just an all around badass.

Biggest Badass Ever Award!

Creepy Grandpa: Most people have a crazy family member, it's usually an uncle or a grandpa. Usually the whole family tries to avoid this person. The family in this movie has such a Grandpa, however, they make him a major part of the family. Maybe it's different in the mid-west, crazy is more accepted.

No Grandpa, there's no gold in those hills.

Hammocks: This is a total nit-pick. Who would actually sleep in a hammock like an actual bed. Sleeping every night for 6+ hours in a freaking hammock. I couldn't do it. Maybe hammocks were more comfortable in the 80s.



This film is one of the best pieces of cheese ever. I found this movie not only interesting, but also entertaining and fun to watch. It's highly riddled with cliches, however, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I enjoyed this movie highly.

Purchase "Hyper Sapien: People From Another Star":

Sci-Fi Invasion 50 Movie Pack

This is the only version of the film of this film I can find. The only other way I can find it is on VHS. So if this film isn't public domain, it deserves to be brought forward to DVD.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Double Feature Day: Pt. 2 V For Vendetta

Just finished watching V. Seen this movie plenty of times in the past, this just gave me an excuse to watch it again. This movie was requested by a friend of mine named Cameron, and I was more than happy to oblige. I adore this movie, it has everything a great action movie should have, on top of that, however, it has a great moral that people forget all too often these day:

People should not fear their government. Governments should fear their people.

This movie is an excellent work that gets to show off some strong CGI works and some great choreography and cinematography. I had an exceptionally difficult time finding Cons for this film. The only two I came up with sounded way too nit-picky. I have a feeling that one day this film will be shown in Film classes. It's one of the best films from the 00s, in my opinion.

*Note: Due to legality issues, there will be no photos accompanying this review. While it is "legal", it is only so until somebody raises a fit. And while their movie is about freedom of speech, I doubt they would care much for mine.


Special Effects: A few months ago, I dived head first into Computer-generated imagery, more commonly known as CGI. Since working with CGI for myself, I spot bad CGI everywhere. Even in movies I've seen hundreds of times, that one scene now looks so fake. However, while I can see a lot of the CGI in V, none of it looks bad. It's hardly noticeable in most cases and when I did notice it, I was generally looking for it. Quite possibly the most obvious CGI would be the knife trails in some of the fighting sequences.

Choreography: David Leitch, was the Fight Choreographer and also, V's stunt double. He does an amazing job in the fights. It was probably tough working in that mask, limiting his view and, I'm sure, hard to nail the moves. However, his ability to pull it off, gives this film, some of the best fighting sequences from the past 10 years.


Storyline: I remember seeing this movie for the first time back in 2006. I remember leaving the theater and being confused by the storyline. Granted, I was only 15 at the time, but I knew enough to get this movie. The story can be a bit convoluted for a first time viewer. If you don't get the whole thing the first time around, watch it again. It's well worth taking the time to understand it all, it's quite an intricate web. Every time you see it, you'll see something you missed last time.



This movie is fantastic, it has action, blood, and Natalie Portman for the guys. However, it also deals with some subtexts of romance, mystery, and drama that will entertain most females as well. This is a movie I'm glad I picked up on Blu-Ray, and for only 8 Dollars! Thanks Cameron for the request, if anyone else would like to make a request, go HERE and read the instructions. kthxbai!

Purchase "V for Vendetta":

Watch The Trailer Here

Double Feature Day: Pt.1 Savage Journey

Alright, going to do this Savage Journey movie first today, it's on the Drive-In Classics 50 Movie Pack. It's about the origins of the Mormon Church and their journey across the west, until they land in Utah. Never seen this one, could be alright. Why it's in the Drive-in Classics is beyond me, makes me think there will be a lot of violence. It's also from 1983, so that should make it a bit more entertaining.

IMDb: Savage Journey

After I finish this movie and review, I will be doing the next movie, which is actually a request. V for Vendetta. So you can expect to see both of those today.


This movie was pretty good, I'm not gonna lie. I knew little about the beginning of the Mormon religion, this movie was actually quite educational in that respect. Of course, that's assuming this movie is true and, even if it is, not exaggerating anything too bad. I think the acting and dialogue was well done, however, this movie is heavily biased towards Mormonism.

Scenery: All of the scenery is really good looking. So good, in fact, I can't tell if it was shot in nature, or in a studio. Since this movie involves a lot of traveling, the scenery is something they needed to do well. In my opinion the scenery is pretty good and definitely helps the movie feel more realistic.

Desert, desert, desert, and Oh look, more desert
Acting: Religion is a hard subject to translate to film. If you poorly represent a major figure from that religion, you can get some serious heat. Savage Journey chose the right actors for the right roles. It seems like it was thought through very thoroughly. The performances from all the leads are very entertaining and believable.

The "Savage" Journey: I don't mean to demean the hardships these people endured. I'm sure it was horrible for them. However, I can think of at least 5 journey's way more savage than theirs. For example, the locusts (see below). They lost maybe 20 or 30 people over the years due to savageness.

The Great Locust Massacre: Apparently this film has something against locusts. So here's the timeline, as I see it. The Mormons move into the Great Salt Lake Basin. Encroaching on the poor locust's homeland. The Mormons start planting crops. Meanwhile, the locusts are starving, after having their land taken by the white man. They begin to feed on the Mormon crops, if only to live another day. Then the Mormons go apeshit, and beat them with brooms, stick, 2x4s, etc. Hundreds of poor innocent locusts die, only because they were trying to live another day. And as if that was the end of their suffering. That's when their mortal enemy the birds come along, and the white man cheers as the birds eat all the innocent locusts. Horrific tragedy, is that in your American History book, I think not.

The worst day in locust history

VERY Biased: I'll be first to say that all religions are evil. More people have dies in the name of God and Religion than I can even imagine. However, I have a gut instinct that this film, is blowing it a little out of proportion. They make it seem as if everybody is evil except the Mormons. Every other character in the movie, is either killing Mormons or betraying Mormons. I think there is only one non-evil non-Mormon in this entire film. To be completely honest with you, I had more sympathy for the locusts than I did for the Mormons.


This film was insightful and well written, like I said, I hadn't heard this story before. I found this movie to be interesting, however, I will most likely not watch it again. However, I am glad I saw this movie.

Purchase "Savage Journey":

I can't offer anything in the way of the full movie. If you're interested it's parted out on YouTube, just head over there and search "Savage Journey 1983". The movie is in public domain, so, as far as I know, it's not illegal to download it from a website you find on Google. Say for example, this one. However, I am not a copyright lawyer and if you get in trouble it's not my fault. kthxbai.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Night Train to Terror

Oh. My. God. I am so excited right now. This is like my favorite movie all time. It's featured on the Drive In Classics 50 Movie Pack. It features the most 80s band of all time. I don't even have words for how excited I am right now. It's basically 3 movies that were chopped into short segments. It's similar to the Tales from the Crypt movie, or the Tales from the Darkside movie.

IMDb: Night Train to Terror

Like I said when I announced this review earlier, I've seen this movie prior to this review. I also mentioned I love this movie and I wasn't lying. This movie is the epitome of 80's Horror Cheese. This movie is a compilation of 3 shortened films. Shortening these films cuts out major plot points, making the films confusing. However, the special effects and hammy acting make up for it. The over-arching point of the movie is God and Satan arguing, on a train, over the fate of the 3 film's characters. And also the sweet band playing on board the train.

The 80's are totally bitchin' man!

I kid you not, the credits list the actors as
Lu Cifer as Satan
God as Himself


  Movie One: A man is a car accident where his wife dies. After waking up in a sanitarium, the doctors use him to bring back beautiful women to the sanitarium. The doctors are killing the women and selling their body parts to medical schools. Or something similar, the plot in this movie is hard to follow, due to the obvious film cuts.
  Movie Two: A man falls in love with a woman he sees in a porno. After tracking her down, they fall in love. Her rich lover doesn't like that though, so he forces the two of them to join his death club. Basically it's a club that meets to play various variations of Russian Roulette. He fails at killing them in the three games he drags them to. Then apparently he gives up, because the movie ends there.

  Movie Three: [Note: I skipped this movie, it's rather boring. I'll try to recall what it's about. All I remember is almost falling asleep through the whole thing.] A Nazi general lives forever and a Jewish man from Nazi Germany recognizes him in the modern day. He tries to convince people that, the similar looking man is him. This one makes extensive use of claymation. Which is EPIC!

 So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so epic.

Special Effects: This is the 80s. Special effects weren't the best. Which is obvious from the pictures you can find a little below and above this. The first movie has very little in the way of special effects. However, the second one makes extensive use of them. Like in these next two images:

 This bug will kill you with one sting. You'll get Clay Poisoning.

 Homestyle, Grilled, or Crispy?

I already featured one image from the third film. However, I have one more really good one:

Why don't you tell me I'm beautiful anymore?

Low-Budget: Ok, so, this company owns these three movies. So the only thing they would need to spend money on for this movie would be: The Train Shots, The Awesome Band, God, Satan, Extras, Train Sets. And that's it. So the question is how much would all that cost. My guess, approximately 5 to 10k. Now to add the cocaine and speed into the budget, Probably total 15 to 20k. So after all the money had been spent on hookers and blow, they had to borrow poor Timmy's train set.

Timmy, can daddy borrow your train for his movie?

None: This movie is so bad it's good. The acting is so cheesy it's hilarious. The special effects are horrible, but it's horrible in a good way, if that makes sense.

Final Score:

Like I said, I love cheese. The cheesier the better. This movie is the cheesiest of the cheesiest movies ever. I absolutely adore this movie. I kind of wish they had cut the third story. For now though, I'm content to skip it. I have actually seen this movie 4 times now and I WILL watch it again. Oh and as a quick side note: The song the sweet eighties band sings throughout the movie, is my new ringtone.

  My face throughout this whole movie

Purchase "Night Train to Terror":

Now the Sad Part:

I can't find a full movie version of this movie they have it split in parts, just Google it. Instead, I'll post a trailer here so you can see if it looks interesting to you. Which it will. Oh, and you can hear the awesome song.


Friday, January 6, 2012

The Perils of Pauline

Alright, this one should be interesting. It's our first film from the Comedy Kings 50 Movie Pack. I'm not a huge fan of old school comedy, however, I've definitely liked stranger things. This film is from 1947 and is in color, which is pretty uncommon for that time period. It was also apparently nominated for an Oscar. Hopefully it's as good as Go For Broke, if so, this might actually be fun. Alright I'm going to watch and post the review earlier today than I have been. So expect to see it before 5 p.m. PST.

IMDb: The Perils of Pauline


Just finished watching Perils of Pauline, and I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. This film is about a woman named Pearl White, getting her start in theatre, she eventually becomes a world-renowned serial actress. This movie covers her rise to fame, her serial period, and some of her later exploits. This movie was extremely good, and really well acted. However, it was not really a comedy. It had some light chuckles at times, but in my opinion it's more of a drama, or even a musical. 


Great Behind The Camera Work: I can't narrow this down any further, the film has good writing, good cinematography, good flow, great set design and much more. The direction was really well done too.

An example of great sets and great cinematography

Acting: All of the main characters felt real. They were well portrayed and I constantly found myself wondering what would happen next. The romantic relationship between Pearl and Farrington is well done and really believable. 

Glimpse of The Past: This movie does a terrific job of portraying what working in film circa 1915 was like. It shows how hectic and frantic it was. It's not often you see films that show you both the beauty of the Hollywood Golden Age, but also shows you what it can do to peoples head and hearts.


The War To End All Wars: Though this is far from a war film, it feels lacking in this department. World War 1 is announced and then less than a minute later ends. It seems like this would provide a more drastic change to Hollywood, than a 30 second period of minor change.

Final Score


I know I say this a lot, but I really struggled with this one. It was really good, well written, and well acted. However, It's hard for me to say it was a great movie. However, I will probably revisit this movie at a later date. It's a great period piece, to say the least.

Purchase "The Perils of Pauline"


Comedy Kings 50 Movie Pack

Watch It Free

Non-Review: Update to the Rules

 If you scroll down the page or jump of to my What This Is original post, you'll see it looks different now. I've changed and added some new rules. Including a new day called Double Feature Day.

 I also added a way to make requests, please do so if you have the time. It would mean a lot to me. So far, I'm having a lot of fun doing this whole review thing. I've sincerely enjoyed every single movie I've watched so far. Watching Star Odyssey yesterday was a ton of fun, it was interesting seeing another cultures take on Star Wars.

 Alright I'm blabbering now. Thank's for being a part of this with me, and go check out the new stuff over on my What This Is Post.

Dylan Lanier

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Free Day: Star Odyssey

 Decided to make today my first Free Day. The film randomly chosen for today is Star Odyssey, a Sci-fi film from 1979. If I had to guess, I'd say it's an Italian film due to all the actor's names. It's about U.F.O.'s coming to earth and enslaving humans.

 I stopped writing for a moment to look up some information about the film, only to find out it's commonly known as Italian Star Wars. So, now I'm twice as excited. Going to get around to watching it a little later tonight.

IMDb: Star Odyssey

 Review: Just finished watching Star Odyssey and it definitely lives up to it's title of, "Italian Star Wars". It's pretty much just like Star Wars, minus the decent sets, decent acting, and decent Laser Sword technology. In this world apparently Lightsaber literally means, a glowstick on a handle. However, I'm not going to say the movie was bad, because that would be a lie. I think some decisions made on this movie weren't the best. Yet, this movie is still a fun watch.


 Costumes: This covers all the aliens and robots. It's all really, REALLY cheesy but it's also really cool. I think that this is where the movie shines, I don't expect the movie to win an Oscar for costume design. However, the costumes are very cool, and very unique. On some characters though, you can see the Star Wars influence. One of the main characters named Dirk, wears a Han Solo sort of our fit throughout most of the movie. And I don't think it's much of a stretch to guess who Lord Kess (sp?) is based off.
My name is not Lord Vader, Who is this Lord Vader, you insignificant worm.


 Bad Dub: This movie would be much better, if I could hear some people more clearly. All the voice actors seem to be mumbling their lines. I couldn't tell Lord Kess' name until like the 5th time I heard it and even then I could be spelling it wrong. I thought it was Vek, then Vess, then Kesh, then Quesh, I don't even.

Is his name Kess, Vek, Kesh, or Quesh!?!

 Creepy Love Robots: This is kind of nit-picky but, I found the robots too be a little creepy. Not so much their appearance, more their stance on love towards each other. It's like way creepy. He wanted to commit suicide because he couldn't sleep, therefore dream about her? Seriously. That's just weird. Not to mention the freak professor who agrees to give them sex organs, so they can profess their love for each other. 

Oil Drum Robot: Forever Alone

Final Score:


 Don't get me wrong, this movie isn't bad. However, it's not very good either. If you are into late 70's Sci-fi cheese, pick this up, you'll love it. If you're just an avid fan of film, you might want to pass this one up. I enjoyed it, take it for what it's worth.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bloody Pit of Horror

 Ok, I'm officially completely excited, I've been wanting to watch this movie for awhile now just never got around to it. This film is on the Pure Terror 50 Movie Pack. However, I also own a budget bin 3 dollar copy as well. This film features Mickey Hargitay, a bodybuilder who did his turn as Hercules on the peplum film circuit (Also, as a side note, he was married to Jayne Mansfield. Their daughter is like the best Law and Order detective ever). So I'm pretty excited to see this one, I've seen the trailer several times on different things. I'll get back to you guys later tonight with a review.

 IMDb: Bloody Pit of Horror 

 Review: Sorry it's so late in the day guys, finally got around to watching The Bloody Pit of Horror. I found that I really enjoyed this movie. However, I had to look back on the movie for about 45 minutes, to really come up with the reasons why. Theirs something about cheese like this that I absolutely love. It's one of the best if not the best periods in Horror films.

 This film is about a cheery fellow named "The Crimson Executioner" who executed people for not being perfect. When a group of models (instant cheese), a writer, his publisher, and a few others arrive at a castle for Photo shoots all hell breaks loose. They meet the owner of the castle, who quickly becomes possessed by the spirit of the Executioner.  There's lots of death and torture. However, there's very little blood or gore.


 Set Design: If a movie wants to win me over fast, good and believable set design is the way to do it. I'm a sucker for a realistic looking movie. I'd rather see a movie with three or four realistic sets, rather than a film with a 150 different sets that all look lackluster. I found the castle had a tinge of 60s to it. However the basement and dungeon all looked really good.

 Swanky Soundtrack: Just from the music I can tell this movie was made in the 60s. You get some bass, a little guitar and some drums. That's the soundtrack. Which I love, keeps it simple while making it more fun. Rather than playing creepy organ and piano tracks, they went with something more light-hearted and interesting.

 Spider: There's not much to say. Just.... yeah. Like I said, I love cheese, and this spider is just total cheese.

The real question: "Am I a Spider, or a Crab?"


 Explanation: This is a quick way to make me mad. At the end of a movie, they feel the need to have the main character narrate the whole story in a quick recap. If you want to see what I mean, look in the video below. Just jump straight to about 1:20:45. Or watch the whole movie ;).


 Like I said earlier, I had a hard time with this one. Do I let my personal opinion sway my vote, or do I give the movie what everybody else thinks it deserves. I, in the end, decided, as the reviewer, that my opinion mattered more than what somebody else thinks about the movie. I personally think it's an amazing horror flick I will watch again.

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