Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Sadist

That's the movie for today. This movie is contained on the Pure Terror 50 Movie Collection. Didn't really read anything about this film, prior to this post. The only thing I know is that Arch Hall Jr. is in it. So it already has that going for it. Review will be up on this post in a few hours.

Edit: Here's a link to the IMDb Page


Alright, just finished watching the Sadist and let me start by saying I was impressed. It wasn't a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination, the cinematography was actually quite well done, as was the acting.

Summary: A trio of school teachers are on their way to Los Angeles when their car breaks down. Stuck at a scrapyard type place, they are accosted by two teens. The teens go on to rob and torture the teachers.

-Arch Hall Jr. : I don't think I could ever not like an Arch Hall Jr. movie. The only other movie I've seen with him in it is EEGAH! and to be quite honest, I find this movie plays to his strengths better than EEGAH! did. He makes a much better villain than hero.

-Cinematography: Their were quite a few shots in this movie that stand out in my mind, for the time, the cinematography is quite well done.

- Acting: As I said earlier the acting is also quite well done, the girl who plays Arch's Girlfriend does a great job, rarely speaking, she definitely keeps you wondering whats up with her. The three school teachers were really well played as well.

-Arch Hall Jr. : I don't mean to confuse you by putting him on both sides, however he needs to be. While I love Arch, I hate his face. How he ever got any acting jobs with that catcher's mitt of a face is beyond me.

- Foreshadowing: Usually Foreshadowing is nice to see in movies, however in this movie I found it quite blatant. The second the female teacher said she didn't like snakes, I knew snakes would play an important part in the story. Baseball was also a continuous recurring annoyance. Just because they we're heading on their way to a baseball game, doesn't mean you need to shove the irony of "It's a beautiful day here at Dodger Stadium" down my throat.

Final Score:

The pros severely outweigh the cons in this film. Arch Hall, you are my hero. You and your baseball glove face are welcome on my TV anytime.

Purchase "The Sadist":



Pure Terror 50 Movie Pack

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