IMDb: Quicksand (1950)
After finishing Quicksand, I find myself stumped. Was the movie confusing? No. Was the story hard to follow? No. The sad thing is, I'm confused how any person could be as stupid as the lead character. He quite possibly has the worst decision making skills ever. I'll discuss it further on down. One of the major things I noticed, this isn't a mystery film. It's a drama with a little action. However, to me, it seems like more of a comedy. I laughed my way through most of this film.
Acting: Mickey Rooney and Peter Lorre were absolutely excellent. Peter Lorre especially, he played the owner of an arcade. I pretty much got excited for every scene with him in it. Mickey Rooney plays the main character, a role which he plays rather well.
Vera: Vera started this whole story. Quick Recap: Dan wants to go out with Vera, however he has no money. So he "borrows" $20 from the cash register at work. unable to repay the twenty dollars, he buys a watch on a payment plan and then pawns it. Then in order to pay back the Jewelry Store he holds up a guy, etc, etc, etc, etc. However, Vera get's whats coming to her in the end. She thought she would get away scot-free, luckily she was wrong.
Decision Making: I recapped a bit of the story earlier, however, I could never recap the stupidity of the main character. At every single turn, he dug himself in deeper. He could of lost his job, then he starts committing grand theft auto. All to cover up taking 20 dollars. This all culminates in murder. In the end, by proxy, he murders over $20. This decision making is absolutely atrocious, and I don't see how anyone could be this stupid.
I know this may seem a little nice, given the new asshole I tore it one paragraph up. However, like I said earlier, this seems more like comedy film. I'm judging it as such. Entertainment wise this is a 6. However, if you're looking for a clever mystery, this is not a film for you. Check out M, also starring Peter Lorre, and much better.
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