This website is absolute crap, I reached the end of this review was posting the links and then it tried to auto-save and crashed Firefox. Upon restarting Firefox come to find out I can't start where I left off, so here I am again, in the same situation as yesterday. I'm gonna make this quick. Movie is like Star Odyssey, however, instead of being Italian Star Wars. War of the Robots is Italian Star Trek.
Star Trek: I'm a big fan of Star Trek and therefore liked this movie very much, it's cool to see another countries take on such an interesting universe. This movie uses a simulacrum of each character, doesn't necessarily look the same but has a very similar personality and job.
Uhura's got a nice bowl going on there
I think he has an attraction to Syringes
No homosexual tension here...
Budget Enemies: This is a technique used by many movies, make all you enemies look the same and you don't have to hire as many extras. In this movie, all the robotic enemies are some kind of yellow-skinned albino. And I doubt they hired more than 10 extras to play them all.
Lightsabers: The only noticeable thing this movie borrowed from Star Wars is Lightsabers. However, it uses Star Odyssey lightsabers (a.k.a. Glowsticks attached to a hilt.) The robots are the ones who use the swords, occasionally, but they fight so horribly with them it's embarassing.
Ow! That glow-stick hurts!
Romantic Choice: Ok this is sort of Nit-Picky, but oh well. Kirk chose some sexually-confused spikey haired blonde girl, over the smoking hot fire-crotch MILF, SRSLY?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!??! Come on, they obviously don't know William Shatner that well. Who cares if the Fire Crotch is evil? If she's evil, then evil can't be that bad.
Ew! Penises are nasty!
Sorry this review is kind of bland, having to write this twice really pissed me off. However, this movie was fun and good for a quick watch. Nice to see another countries take on Star Trek, or any big name franchise for that matter.
Purchase "War of the Robots":
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