Movie: Well since we last spoke my movie collection has increased, rather substantially. My last post was about breaking 1700 movies. Let me go count what I have now....... 2179 not removing duplicates. So somewhere in the realm of 2100. I pick up a few here or there, and it really seems to add up quick. So here's a list of some recent acquisitions and other films I think you should check out.
Trailer Park of Terror
The Eden Formula
Xtro 3
How To Make A Monster
These movies are by no means all schlock, this is just a list of recent acquisitions, that are rather enjoyable. You more likely than not haven't heard of these either.
Failed Reviews: I said earlier I had tried to write a review and failed. I actually tried twice. With two different movies. And by some ungodly twist of fate, I actually didn't like one. So those two movies are: Prehistoric Bimbos in Armageddon City (8/10) and 30,000 Leagues Under the Sea 07 (3/10). I'll touch on each very briefly, giving a little reason for my choices.
Prehistoric Bimbos in Armageddon City: The 8/10 here is pretty easy, this is extreme schlock. Coming from the master, Todd Sheets. This guy is known for making movies on a budget tighter than a strand of hair, and making them badly. He's known for his crap and god is there a lot of it. The movie is by no means good, it's definitely a "so bad it's good" movie. It's hard to imagine how he got the women to dress this way and walk around Chicago. But, I digress, it's a fun affair that will leave you confused, yet somehow strangely satisfied.
30,000 Leagues Under the Sea: A very loose retelling of the Jules Verne classic, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." You might be asking, "why the name change?" To be honest with you, I have no fucking clue. However, if I had to put my money on something I would think they were trying to be cutting edge. I would guess royalties, however, 20,000 Leagues is in P.D. The movie is abysmal, with like 2 or 3 redeeming factors. The actor who plays Captain Nemo, is great. It seems like he doesn't belong in this movie, he belongs in a better movie, something with some value. Most of the time the CGI is a visual shit storm. It's a joke, however, Nemo's ship and the squid things aren't bad. Not great, but not bad. The rest of the movie is boring, shit characters doing boring, shitty things. Acting is horrible, cinematography is horrible, the story probably has Jules Verne rolling in his grave. This does an injustice to a great novel, and even more of injustice to film-making in general. However, it all boils down to the fact that I could've done this review in 4 words. It's an Asylum film.
There you have it, two mini-reviews. I'm thinking about re-tooling the blog and coming back. Not sure yet. I'll think about it more later.
Games: Oh, I've been busy, seems like I keep finding another game to keep me interested everyday. First it was Diablo 3, played that for about a week, til I remembered that I hate Blizzard, I'm not going to buy a fucking Authenticator you god damn assholes. Anywho, after that I played some random shit for awhile, bouncing around on some games I bought a while back but never playred much. Then I got in the mood for a 4x game. For those not in the know a 4X game, is a game involving 4 major aspects (Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate.) This genre includes everything from Civilization to Master of Orion. More specifically, I was in the mood for a space 4X game. so I picked up: Space Empires IV, Space Empires V, Star Ruler, and finally Endless Space. All of which are super fun in different way. Then I found a game called Aurora, If I ever meet someone who is able to play this game, and does, for fun. I will literally slap myself silly. It is the most complex and obtuse game I've ever seen.
Well after the 4X thing began to wear off, I began play Dwarf Fortress again. DF is one of my all-time favorite games, so going back to it is no surprise. I also found out there were a bunch of clone-esque games out there now. Towns and Gnomeria being the two I've been playing the most. Especially Gnomeria, it's a great game that's in Alpha it has tons of potential and is quite fun. However, in depth none compare to DF. In terms of eas of play Gnomeria definitely wins out. It's easy to play and fun enough to keep you entertained for some time.
Alright, that's it for now. I'll leave you with a picture that was drawn for me. Right after the .34 update for Dwarf Fortress, I realized it was one of my favorite games ever, and I was playing it for free. So I donated to the developers, not a lot, I was basically just trying to say thanks for the amazing game. for donations they offer certain "gifts". You can get your name put on the Wall of Fame on their website, they'll make a little ASCII drawing thingy, or, you can get a crayon drawing. Obviously that's what I chose. Nobody's seen this yet, it's not on my Facebook or anything, this is the first place I'll be showing it. I just want to say thanks to Tarn and Zach, not only for the picture but also for the amazing game that is Dwarf Fortress. The only thing I asked for in my picture was something to do with the new were monsters in DF .34. This is what I got, Have a great day guys.
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